Thank you.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
When all is over
Idk, if you ever feel 'empty' inside when you surrounded by many people. Maybe that's what I feel now. Actually, I am thankful because feel empty is also a feeling because if that is not a feeling, I'm not sure I still can feel or no.
When all is over, it is a moment that I have no idea anymore how to celebrate life.
When all is over, it is when I do not have strength to lift neither my knees and head up.
And it makes me cannot walk anymore.
When all is over, it is a moment when someone I think he is the reason I still believe there is a hope, turns into the reason I see no hope anymore.
But when all is over, actually is the message from God above to say something.
To believe it is the right time to walk again, to start again, to build the greater thing.
And it is the common secret when a great thing always comes from the difficulties. A great thing will never come easy.
When all is over, it is a moment that I have no idea anymore how to celebrate life.
When all is over, it is when I do not have strength to lift neither my knees and head up.
And it makes me cannot walk anymore.
When all is over, it is a moment when someone I think he is the reason I still believe there is a hope, turns into the reason I see no hope anymore.
But when all is over, actually is the message from God above to say something.
To believe it is the right time to walk again, to start again, to build the greater thing.
And it is the common secret when a great thing always comes from the difficulties. A great thing will never come easy.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Jesus Reinstates Peter
John 21: 15-17
15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter,
“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?”
He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.
Unashamed - Starfield
I have not much to offer You
Not near what You deserve
But still I come because Your cross has placed in me my worth
Oh, Christ my King Of sympathy whose wounds secure my peace
Your grace extends to call me friend
Your mercy sets me free
And I know I'm weak I know I'm unworthy to call upon Your name
Not near what You deserve
But still I come because Your cross has placed in me my worth
Oh, Christ my King Of sympathy whose wounds secure my peace
Your grace extends to call me friend
Your mercy sets me free
And I know I'm weak I know I'm unworthy to call upon Your name
But because of grace, because of Your mercy
I stand here unashamed
I can't explain this kind of love
I'm humbled and amazed that You'd come down from heavens heights
And greet me face to face
Here I am at Your feet
In my brokeness complete
I can't explain this kind of love
I'm humbled and amazed that You'd come down from heavens heights
And greet me face to face
Here I am at Your feet
In my brokeness complete
At your feet.. Incomplete
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Mathew 26: 33-35
33 Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”34 “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”
35 But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same.
Mathew 27: 69-74
69 Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, and a servant girl came to him. “You also were with Jesus of Galilee,” she said.70 But he denied it before them all. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.71 Then he went out to the gateway, where another servant girl saw him and said to the people there, “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth.”72 He denied it again, with an oath: “I don’t know the man!”73 After a little while, those standing there went up to Peter and said, “Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away.”74 Then he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!”Immediately a rooster crowed.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Kampus dan Line!
Satu hari setelah deadline pengumpulan draft final manual pengembangan alat ukur. Banyak banget temen-temen yang gak masuk karena kecapean begadang. Tapi gua beruntung sih masuk, karena diskusi di kelas kode etik hari ini (kemarin) seru banget. Selesai kelas dapat kabar kalau feedback sudah dikirim. Amazing! Bikin manualnya selama 4 bulan dan sang dosen memberi feedback hanya dalam semalam! HAHA.. Semua anggota kelompok gue keliatan mau istirahat dulu jadi kami menunda revisi sampai malam.
Berhubung pengen banget refreshing, dan pas banget ada acara Line lucky draw, gua dan beberapa teman mau ikutan. Pingin dapet boneka Cony atau Brown. Pertamanya males banget ikutan karena ngantrinya panjang banget. Jadi gua minta Teddy yang main terus bonekanya buat gua. HAHAA..
Dia sih bilang iya-iya aja. Tapi ternyata dia bilang begitu ke hampir semua orang di kelas. LOL.
Kali ini promo nya line sebenarnya bukan games let's get rich tapi line dictionary. Jadi habis download harus share chat minimal ke 3 temen yang ada di line juga. Gua sama Fitria duluan ke Hall C untuk ngantri karena yang lain masih ngerjain revisi. Tapi di hall C ga ada wi-fi (T,T). Akhirnya minta Teddy turun dan bawain bolt nya Irene.
Sekitar 40 menit ngantri untuk muterin lucky draw...
Pilihan hadiahnya: Boneka besar, boneka kecil, kepala boneka, dan pulpen.
Dan saat gua muterin Lucky draw nya.. Gua mendapatkan...
Pulpen! (T.T)
Fitria sama Teddy cuma bisa kasian sambil senyum aja ngeliatin. Dan dengan pedenya di antriannya Teddy nanya, mau apa nih hadiahnya?
Gua dan Fitri tentu aja jawab: Boneka!
Teddy iya-iya aja masih dengan gayanya yang pede.
Dan pas giliran dia muterin lucky draw, dia dapet apa coba? Hihihii..
Pulpen juga!!
Hahaha.. Lucu banget!
Ya mungkin belum rejeki yaahh.. Sebenarnya kalau gua dapat boneka, mau gua kasih juga ke temen gua yang ulang tahun.. Belum kasih kado soalnya.. Jadi akhirnya ngasih pulpen itu aja deh.. xD
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Color Blind
When the world is seeing yellow
I only see grey
When everybody sees the rainbow
I'm stuck in the rain
You take a little piece of me
Every time you leave
I don't think that I'll ever find that silver lining
Or a reason to smile
You know I used to paint such vibrant dreams
Now I'm colorblind colorblind
When did my heart
Get so full of the never mind never mind
Did you know
That you stole the only thing I needed
Always black and white in my eyes
I'm colorblind
Ain't it funny that you managed
To just wash away
Even pictures that you're not in
Have started to fade
I tried to play my favorite songs
But I can't sing along
The words don't feel the same
You've taken all the best things from me
And thrown them away
You know I used to paint such vibrant dreams
Now I'm colorblind colorblind
When did my heart
get so full of the never mind never mind
Did you know
That you stole the only thing I needed
Always black and white in my eyes
I'm colorblind
I'll wait
For roses to be red again
And I hate
That you took my blue from the ocean
Give me back green greens and golden's
My purples my blues you stole them
How long will I be broken
You know I used to paint such vibrant dreams
Now I'm colorblind colorblind
When did my heart
get so full of the never mind never mind
Did you know
That you stole the only thing I needed
Only black and white in my eyes
I'm colorblind
It's only black and white in my eyes
I'm colorblind
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Hasil Belajar Statistik
Huaaa.. Akhirnya selesai juga blok tiga dengan mata kuliah STATISTIK!
Sebenarnya seru banget mata kuliah ini, gua selalu menganggap kalau si peneliti (gua) adalah seorang detektif yang harus memecahkan kasus dengan satu pertanyaan: "Dengan metode statistik apakah kasus ini dapat diselesaikan?" dan dengankekuatan bulan hasil belajar, gua menjawab tiap soal di kertas UTS dan UAS. Untuk UTS materinya tentang statistik dasar dan metode non parametrik. Kalau UAS materinya tentang Multiple Regression dan Faktor Analisis. Untuk Faktor Analisis dibahasnya cuma satu kali pertemuan dan dua hari kemudian langsung ujian. What do you expect? Hahaa..
Gua selalu bersyukur sama Tuhan di atas sana yang selalu dampingin juga baik waktu belajar maupun pas ujian-nya (meskipun belum tau hasilnya gemana).
Di kelas, gua selalu berusaha memahami setiap kalimat yang keluar dari mulut profesor, doktor, dan para pengajar.. Tapi siapalah saya ini yang hanya bisa menghubungkan kalimat mereka dengan relationship. Please, predikat galau buat gua, gak mau gua bawa-bawa ke program S2 ini. HAHA..
Tapi ada aja yang menangkap kegalauan gua. Mmm.. Ralat. Gua bukan galau, gua hanya sedikit puitis dan melankolis, LOL. Jadi ini hasil quotes gua yang dirangkum sama Medina :')
Med, why do you so galau just like me? :')
Sebenarnya seru banget mata kuliah ini, gua selalu menganggap kalau si peneliti (gua) adalah seorang detektif yang harus memecahkan kasus dengan satu pertanyaan: "Dengan metode statistik apakah kasus ini dapat diselesaikan?" dan dengan
Gua selalu bersyukur sama Tuhan di atas sana yang selalu dampingin juga baik waktu belajar maupun pas ujian-nya (meskipun belum tau hasilnya gemana).
Di kelas, gua selalu berusaha memahami setiap kalimat yang keluar dari mulut profesor, doktor, dan para pengajar.. Tapi siapalah saya ini yang hanya bisa menghubungkan kalimat mereka dengan relationship. Please, predikat galau buat gua, gak mau gua bawa-bawa ke program S2 ini. HAHA..
Tapi ada aja yang menangkap kegalauan gua. Mmm.. Ralat. Gua bukan galau, gua hanya sedikit puitis dan melankolis, LOL. Jadi ini hasil quotes gua yang dirangkum sama Medina :')
Med, why do you so galau just like me? :')
Quotes statistik dri cynthia, blj statistik itu kyk blj relationship. Liat kurva anova dua faktor dua titik tidk brtemu tpi saling berhubungan = LDR. Blj Multiple regression analysis itu ada independent variabel, dependent variabel, sm moderator = hub aku (dv)- kamu(iv)-ortu(moderator) interaksi dri moderator itu kuat, kl moderatr gk ad, gk bsa berinteraksi iv n dv. Bljr Exploratory Factor Analysis = semakin besar kesamaan dri common share smakin bisa bersatum semakin byk unique share (perbedaan) itu semakin susah keduanya utk bersatu :p
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Hello, November!
I love being in the one last month before Christmas come!
I love November because it will more rain.
Masih inget waktu masih kecil, kalau hujan, aku tanya ke mama:
"Mama, boleh nggak aku main hujan-hujanan?"
Kadang Mama menjawab, 'Boleh, Nakku.",
Kadang Mama jawab, "Jangan. Nanti kamu sakit."
Kalau lagi nggak dibolehin, aku ngambek aja sendirian. Cuma bisa ngeliatin dari dalam rumah turunnya hujan. Hahaa. Dari dulu aku memang suka banget sama air :) Makanya aku juga suka banget sama pantai. Kalau aku ingat pertanyaan aku itu, aku pengen ketawa. Gemana yaa kalau nanti aku punya anak, anak aku tanya gitu. Bingung juga mau jawab apa. Mungkin aku akan jawab: "Hmm. Kamu mau main hujan-hujanan? Ke kamar mandi aja nyalain shower." (Kalau jawab gitu jahat gak sih? Hehee..) Sekarang sih, aku pengen ketawain diri aku sendiri, kok bisa-bisanya aku bertanya seperti itu. Yang aku ingat ketika aku ada dalam hujan I felt joy because I could dance in the rain.
I love being in the one last month before Christmas come!
I love November because it will more rain.
Masih inget waktu masih kecil, kalau hujan, aku tanya ke mama:
"Mama, boleh nggak aku main hujan-hujanan?"
Kadang Mama menjawab, 'Boleh, Nakku.",
Kadang Mama jawab, "Jangan. Nanti kamu sakit."
Kalau lagi nggak dibolehin, aku ngambek aja sendirian. Cuma bisa ngeliatin dari dalam rumah turunnya hujan. Hahaa. Dari dulu aku memang suka banget sama air :) Makanya aku juga suka banget sama pantai. Kalau aku ingat pertanyaan aku itu, aku pengen ketawa. Gemana yaa kalau nanti aku punya anak, anak aku tanya gitu. Bingung juga mau jawab apa. Mungkin aku akan jawab: "Hmm. Kamu mau main hujan-hujanan? Ke kamar mandi aja nyalain shower." (Kalau jawab gitu jahat gak sih? Hehee..) Sekarang sih, aku pengen ketawain diri aku sendiri, kok bisa-bisanya aku bertanya seperti itu. Yang aku ingat ketika aku ada dalam hujan I felt joy because I could dance in the rain.
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