Saturday, September 27, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Complicated September
My September so far is extremely surprise me. Happy and bad surprise.
The Happy Surprise is something that I cannot share in this post. Maybe I will post it in November 2014 or January 2015 :)
The Bad Surprise is something I cannot share either yet I can give some clues. It is as bad as when my brother finally need to have bed rest on a hospital in the early September, but I think it can be worse.
Somebody just betrayed my fam!! It is just so unfair for us. After my father told me yesterday about that, I tried to be tough so hard. Hold my tears on the eyes.
But when I ask my parents to join me in a prayer, and started the prayer, I cannot stand still anymore. Too shock!
One thing that make my family stronger is we believe, every storm we face is actually God's blessing that we cannot see yet. It's a blessing in disguise.
It is difficult to keep my life balance. My social life, education, and some aspects is always be my priority. I cannot decided which one is more important so I do it all at once. I am exhausted.
September. I think it will be a calm month but in fact this month is full of temptation for me! Temptation of being lazy. Temptation to do bad things.
What I can do to handle it is remember both my dad and mom every time the bad though cross my mind.
I do not want to make them disappoint at me.
I really need His wisdom and love to pass these days.
And after this semester end I hope I can have my vacation (Hihii..)
The Happy Surprise is something that I cannot share in this post. Maybe I will post it in November 2014 or January 2015 :)
The Bad Surprise is something I cannot share either yet I can give some clues. It is as bad as when my brother finally need to have bed rest on a hospital in the early September, but I think it can be worse.
Somebody just betrayed my fam!! It is just so unfair for us. After my father told me yesterday about that, I tried to be tough so hard. Hold my tears on the eyes.
But when I ask my parents to join me in a prayer, and started the prayer, I cannot stand still anymore. Too shock!
One thing that make my family stronger is we believe, every storm we face is actually God's blessing that we cannot see yet. It's a blessing in disguise.
It is difficult to keep my life balance. My social life, education, and some aspects is always be my priority. I cannot decided which one is more important so I do it all at once. I am exhausted.
September. I think it will be a calm month but in fact this month is full of temptation for me! Temptation of being lazy. Temptation to do bad things.
What I can do to handle it is remember both my dad and mom every time the bad though cross my mind.
I do not want to make them disappoint at me.
I really need His wisdom and love to pass these days.
And after this semester end I hope I can have my vacation (Hihii..)
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Semenjak Pemilu 2014, rasa-rasanya perhatian gua ke dunia politik semakin besar.
Kampanye hitam, hasil quick count yang amburadul, klaim kemenangan semua pihak. Lucu tapi juga mengenaskan.
Sejujurnya gua gak terlalu suka, bahkan mumet sama politik. Tapi sekarang ini, gua sadar bahwa setiap keputusan-keputusan politik itu menentukan nasib Bangsa, nasib semua orang yang tinggal di Negara ini.
Setelah peristiwa drama Pemilu 2014 selesai, muncul berita yang aneh kalau Pilkada diusulkan dipilih lewat DPRD.
Agak kaget denger kabar kalau Pilkada mau dipilih lewat DPRD.
Yang bener aja? Masa karena alasan "rakyat memilih Calon Pemimpin berdasarkan uang yang diterima," jadinya mau balik lagi ke sistem Orde Baru. Itu bukan bentuk pemerintahan demokrasi.
Sebaiknya pemimpin-pemimpin itu baca lagi deh buku-buku dasar ilmu politik. Menurut gua, kalau emang alasan begitu, justru rakyatnya yang harus dididik!! Bukan sistemnya yang diubah. Kalaupun sistemnya diubah, yang bener ajalah, harusnya bikin yang sejalan sama sistem yang sekarang. Kalau rakyat gak dilibatkan, mau sampai kapan rakyat gak pintar-pintar?
Gua melihat, seperti jadinya, elite-eliet politik itu takut banget rakyatnya pintar. Takut diambil kekuasaannya sepertinya. Takut gak bisa korupsi lagi? Takut gak bisa berkuasa lagi? Takut rakyat matanya terbuka dan gak bisa hidup enak makanin uang rakyat lagi?
Rakyat yang pintar seharusnya merasa terhina kalau sampai Pilkada dipilih DPRD. Hak rakyat sudah gak ada.
Terus alasan lainnya untuk menghemat anggaran. Hahahaa.. menanggapinya cuma bisa ketawa aja. Kalau memang mau hemat anggaran, ya rapat gak usah di tempat-tempat mahal. Rapatnya satu hari, jalan-jalannya 3 hari. Studi banding sana sini yang ujung-ujungnya banyakan wisata. Banyaklah hal lain yang bisa dikorbankan untuk hemat anggaran. Masa sih hak rakyat segitu gak berharganya sampai gak boleh dipakai demi hemat anggaran.
Apapun nanti keputusannya, gau berharap semoga itu yang terbaik, gak merugikan rakyat, dan tidak hanya mementingkan golongan-golongan tertentu.
Untuk referensi, bolehlah salah satu link berita gua share di sini:
Kampanye hitam, hasil quick count yang amburadul, klaim kemenangan semua pihak. Lucu tapi juga mengenaskan.
Sejujurnya gua gak terlalu suka, bahkan mumet sama politik. Tapi sekarang ini, gua sadar bahwa setiap keputusan-keputusan politik itu menentukan nasib Bangsa, nasib semua orang yang tinggal di Negara ini.
Setelah peristiwa drama Pemilu 2014 selesai, muncul berita yang aneh kalau Pilkada diusulkan dipilih lewat DPRD.
Agak kaget denger kabar kalau Pilkada mau dipilih lewat DPRD.
Yang bener aja? Masa karena alasan "rakyat memilih Calon Pemimpin berdasarkan uang yang diterima," jadinya mau balik lagi ke sistem Orde Baru. Itu bukan bentuk pemerintahan demokrasi.
Sebaiknya pemimpin-pemimpin itu baca lagi deh buku-buku dasar ilmu politik. Menurut gua, kalau emang alasan begitu, justru rakyatnya yang harus dididik!! Bukan sistemnya yang diubah. Kalaupun sistemnya diubah, yang bener ajalah, harusnya bikin yang sejalan sama sistem yang sekarang. Kalau rakyat gak dilibatkan, mau sampai kapan rakyat gak pintar-pintar?
Gua melihat, seperti jadinya, elite-eliet politik itu takut banget rakyatnya pintar. Takut diambil kekuasaannya sepertinya. Takut gak bisa korupsi lagi? Takut gak bisa berkuasa lagi? Takut rakyat matanya terbuka dan gak bisa hidup enak makanin uang rakyat lagi?
Rakyat yang pintar seharusnya merasa terhina kalau sampai Pilkada dipilih DPRD. Hak rakyat sudah gak ada.
Terus alasan lainnya untuk menghemat anggaran. Hahahaa.. menanggapinya cuma bisa ketawa aja. Kalau memang mau hemat anggaran, ya rapat gak usah di tempat-tempat mahal. Rapatnya satu hari, jalan-jalannya 3 hari. Studi banding sana sini yang ujung-ujungnya banyakan wisata. Banyaklah hal lain yang bisa dikorbankan untuk hemat anggaran. Masa sih hak rakyat segitu gak berharganya sampai gak boleh dipakai demi hemat anggaran.
Apapun nanti keputusannya, gau berharap semoga itu yang terbaik, gak merugikan rakyat, dan tidak hanya mementingkan golongan-golongan tertentu.
Untuk referensi, bolehlah salah satu link berita gua share di sini:
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Positive Communities
On Tuesday, my ex-co-worker always ask me to join her community from her church. It is a Christian Youth Community from Harvest Mission Community Church. It is such a great experience even from very the first time when I was there. They are majority Indonesian who were go abroad and stay back to Indonesia so they do all the communication in English.
The community is so open to new members and as I see, they do the talk.
What we are doing?
First, we pray first before dinner. After dinner, we will enter a worship time by singing to prepare into Bible study session. We will be asked to find a partner there and sharing about your relationship Jesus, their life, etc, and pray each others.
After that, we will divided by some groups to be a smaller group to discuss about some Passages on the Bible. There will be some questions to help us elaborate the Words.
On my last meeting with them, someone share about how she must die for herself in order to follow Jesus. She died from her dream. She had been hurt by her decision but then she realize, obeying God is the only choice. I learn a lot from her testimonial. I know, it's not only me who have been hurt when we have to obey God. After sharing session and reflection of the Words to our life, we will gather back to the big group and make a conclusion from the Passage. Someone will pray to close the meeting. Then, if you don't have any vehicle to back home, someone will give you a ride or you can back together by taxi. Before go home, usually we will have some chit-chat to know each other more.
What make them different from other community I have ever join are:
- They do not shy to speak out what is on their mind about the Gospel.
- They do not shy to pray each other in the public, even their Pastor not think about his dignity to be prayed after the meeting by someone.
- They are, both girls or boys, participate actively to serve each others in many areas.
- They are always follow up about other's relationship with God.
On Wednesday, I join Jakarta Motivators Toastmaster. Actually, for this month I just come once which is today. Hahaa... It is not because I am lazy but sometimes I just feel too tired after study on Campus and do not wanna go anywhere. When I'm back there, I realize I missed a lot of things there. On that place, I always get positive atmosphere to my self to learn, and motivate again to improve my self because all of my friends there are too awesome. Hahaa. My target is to finish my project before Christmas. Now, I am on the 7 project from 10. Hahaa..
Keeping myself in the positive environment makes me away from my negative thought. I hope I can keep doing this activities. They keep remind me that I am too blessed to be stressed.
My (very) latest goodbye!
It's been 12 years, we tried once but it didn't work.
Looking at you with somebody else just realize me everything.
After so many goodbye(s), I decided, this will be my latest goodbye to you.
".......I leave it all behind."
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
September Ceria!
Time Flies!
Gak kerasa bulan Agustus udah lewat aja. August was so fun yet so hectic.
The most memorable moment on August is when I gathered with my old friends.
And an unpredictable thing happened last month. Going back to University is beyond my imagination. Tapi kalau mau ngeluh juga jadi bertanya-tanya sendiri: "Siapa yang mau sekolah lagi?" atau pertanyaan, "Siapa yang suruh punya cita-cita?", kadang muncul juga pertanyaan, "Jadi lu mau nyerah nih?"
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu gua hanya bisa tertawa. HAHAHA.. Ya, ya, ya.. Semua gua yang mau dan seperti yang sudah-sudah, gua gak berencana untuk menyerah kok. Tenang aja (tapi sambil ngais-ngais tanah).
Bulan lalu belajar banyak hal juga, berasa banget banyak hal yang mesti diubah, ada yang mesti ditambah, ada juga yang harus dikurangi. Seperti post sebelumnya, the choice is mine. I think I made a big thing decision last Saturday and need to explain my choice on this weekend. Feeling so terrible sih sebenarnya. Campur aduk dan setelah nanti menjelaskan gak tau bagaimana kelanjutannya. So far, I think I can accept the consequences and continue enjoy my life.
Bulan ini gak terlalu banyak rencana so I can't wait for October. On October, my brothers will back from Egypt and Kalimantan and we already have some plans to do!
September, please be nice!
October, I'm so excited on you!
Gak kerasa bulan Agustus udah lewat aja. August was so fun yet so hectic.
The most memorable moment on August is when I gathered with my old friends.
And an unpredictable thing happened last month. Going back to University is beyond my imagination. Tapi kalau mau ngeluh juga jadi bertanya-tanya sendiri: "Siapa yang mau sekolah lagi?" atau pertanyaan, "Siapa yang suruh punya cita-cita?", kadang muncul juga pertanyaan, "Jadi lu mau nyerah nih?"
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu gua hanya bisa tertawa. HAHAHA.. Ya, ya, ya.. Semua gua yang mau dan seperti yang sudah-sudah, gua gak berencana untuk menyerah kok. Tenang aja (tapi sambil ngais-ngais tanah).
Bulan lalu belajar banyak hal juga, berasa banget banyak hal yang mesti diubah, ada yang mesti ditambah, ada juga yang harus dikurangi. Seperti post sebelumnya, the choice is mine. I think I made a big thing decision last Saturday and need to explain my choice on this weekend. Feeling so terrible sih sebenarnya. Campur aduk dan setelah nanti menjelaskan gak tau bagaimana kelanjutannya. So far, I think I can accept the consequences and continue enjoy my life.
Bulan ini gak terlalu banyak rencana so I can't wait for October. On October, my brothers will back from Egypt and Kalimantan and we already have some plans to do!
September, please be nice!
October, I'm so excited on you!
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