Friday, July 8, 2011

Unpredictable Holiday (part I)

On the sixth semester's holidays, I plan to go to Medan and have adventure there. But the plan was dashed when dad and mom had a discussion about my plans. They were worried because I did not design it in detail what I would do there. They do not want my vacation will be wasted.

Daddy suggested to go to Batu-Malang with Bi Uda and Kila. They said there is a Kebaktian Tahunan Nasional there. With a variety of considerations, I finally approved the plan.

We went to the Batu by car for two days. I had so much feeling.
The first: muscle aches (of course). The second: I feel very happy. Seems a semester that is passed by blood sweat pays off by cool breeze that caressed my face.

The air there was very different in Bogor, Jakarta, Bandung, or even Puncak. S
cenery to getting there was also very beautiful. Rice fields, mountains, clouds, and other natural scenery ones.

In the half way, we stayed at the Ibis hotel.
It had a comfortable service. The officer was kind and friendly. The most important one was the very delicious breakfast. There was Kila's friend who paid full of all fees for our lodging. I felt very lucky.

Bi uda (aunt), Daddy, Kaleb (Brother)

Then at that location (Batu-Malang), we stayed at the house of Mr Awas - a former vice-chancellor III (Institut Injili Indonesia). Again, I felt very lucky.

There were many stories at the event.
to be continue..

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alone and lonely.

Semakin tua dan dewasa, aku semakin menyadari betapa sulitnya menerima "it is what it is". Apalagi jika tidak sesuai dengan pemiki...