Don't be fooled about this title of this post. xD
Actually, this post is not important.
Three days more before new year, I just want to confess some things about this blog..
First, I'm so sorry for not fullfill my promise to write about my internship.
Internship was so fun with cool supervisor, manager, mentor, partners, and clients. I'm kinda busy about doing assignments, exams, papers, (and distance about my home and campus) are trying to kill me. Therefore I can't write so much about internship and I can't remember it a lot. Haha..
Second, I delete my last post titled "...". It was such as a galau post and I hate to see it on my blog.. xP
It embarrassing.
I promise to write no more galau post.. Please remind me about that.... ~xP
And the last,
Thank you for kindly read my blog. I hope you enjoy and can learn from my mistake, adventure, and success.
Please feel free to add any comments in each post.
Thanks for your attention.
Cynthia Eveline
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
It’s like forgetting someone we never knew
There are many stories about breakup in fairly tale even in reality. I have some experiences about breakup as well. Separate with somebody like friends, relatives and people I love the most. I also have heard about my significant others’ separation with theirs lovely. I know what its like; I know how its feel. At first, it makes me getting afraid of separation when I get close with someone. But now I can see; It just a common thing in this life. Separation is not always bad. Separation is not anyone’s false; it just has to be happened. There are so many things we can learn from separation. In some cases, we can forget instantly about the people or the moment after separation.
In this Christmas, God reminds me that He never separate His Love from us; He can’t do it. As long as we are still breathing, He always tries getting closer to us even if we make Him disappointed. He loves us so much no matter how bad we are or how bad our life. This is different from what we do, sometimes, we just try getting closer to Him when we have problems we can’t solve its alone. We just try to seek Him when we need something we haven’t got. We often make mistakes. But no matter how many mistakes we have made, He never gives up on us. Separate His love from us it just like forgetting someone we never knew.
This Christmas, I want to thank God for never gives up on me. Thanks for loving unperfected me.
And all I want for Christmas is You, Lord. :)
"He has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time - 2 Timothy 1:9 "
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
what's best friend really mean?
Nowadays, I've been thinking about friendship. What is a friendship mean? What is a friend mean? and... What is a best friend mean?
Do you have a best friend? I'm sure everybody has friends, at least everybody has one, but maybe not everybody has a best friend.
In my life, I've been making so many friends and a few best friends. I can not get close either trust somebody easily. But I'm very welcome if somebody wanna be my friends.
But this one last year, I feel so different. I can get close to people easier than before and it makes me have more friends and more fun. I enjoy every moments I share with them. They are a gift from God.
Sometime, friendship works on me. But sometime, it doesn't.
I do a lot of things with friends. For me, friends are somebody whom I share time, things, feelings, minds, and many more with.
As an introvert, I've been being selective about "who the person that I can tell my privacy with". I'm sure that some extroverts do the same, but we do more. HAHA.. And I called the choosen as "best friend".
So far, I have about four best friends. Two of them are friends in college, one of them is my high school friend, and the another is a partner on sunday school.
And I was wrong to think about best friend.
And I was wrong to think about best friend.
I thought best friends MUST ALWAYS there when I NEED them.
I thought best friends MAY NOT leave me.
and when two of my best friends just have got their own boyfriend. Of course I'm happy for them but they are getting far from me.
I think they don't need me anymore, that's why I start to ignore them.
I just have reliazed that I should BE a best friend and NOT EXPECT someone being a best friend for me.
I'm so blessed that Jesus gives me so much examples. I learn from Him. Honestly, sometime I ignore Jesus presence in my life. Sometime I can't think clearly and become so busy with my own businesses.
I'm so thankful He always remember me all the ways. He always realize me when I'm getting far from Him. He teaches me how to love others with a genuine heart. Now I can understand how to BE a BEST FRIEND.
I have to provide my ears when they want to tell me about their problems even though they are not around when I need to tell them about mine.
I have to provide my hands to help them when they need it even though they are not around when I need theirs.
I have to cheer them up when they feel sad even though they are not around when I need to be cheer.
I have to be a shoulder to cry on when they feel so sad even though they are not around when I cry a lot.
Because Jesus do those things to me.. He never ignore me even though sometime I make Him sad. He is my best friend and I've been trying to be His best friend as well.
Thank you, Jesus. Now I see what a best friend really means :')
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Slalu bersamaku - Giving My Best
Selalu bersamaku
(always with me)
Hanya Kau tempatku berlindungku
(You alone are my refuge)
Hanya Engkau laguku dan kekuatanku
(You alone are my song and my strength)
Izinkanlah ku datang menyembah, membawa syukurku
(Let me come to worship, bring my gratitude)
Sedalamnya hatiku Kau pun tahu
(You know about what the deepest in my heart)
dan kasih Mu tak jauh dalam jiwaku
(and Your love is not far from my soul)
Di dalam kesesakkan, di dalam kemenangan
(In tightness, in victory)
Ku tahu Engkau selalu bersamaku
(I know You are always with me)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The unforgettable of the last holiday..~
I've already told about it.
Actually I don't want to exlpain anything because they could only listen but they couldn't understand.
2. Disneyland
One of coolest place I've ever visited. I hope someday I will go to Disneyland again.
3. Shenzhen
I like almost nothing about Shenzhen. Especially the people and enviorments.
The people was not polite enough. Mereka nyerobot aja kalo lagi ngantri. Kesel banget..
and mostly they can't speak English. Itu sangat menghambat komunikasi.
Dan lingkungannya dong.. Jorok sangat... Di W.C aja ga disediain tissue. Grrr....~
4. Macau
Yaaayyy.. I love Macau. Barang original dan ga mahal. Dari yang ga suka shopping jadi suka shopping di sana. Hehehe.. ^^
5. The foods
tidak terlupakan bukan karena makanannya enak tapi justru karena tasteless.
100x lebih enak masakan Indonesia. haha..
dan yang ga biasanya, justru di sana kalau mau mineral water itu ada biaya tambahan. Di sana, apapun makanannya minumnya TEH. -_-"
katanya sih biar memperlancar pencernaan karena semua makanan di sana sepertinya mengandung unsur babi.. hehe..
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