Monday, August 11, 2014

Plans into action!

Growing means you take risk to go out from your comfort zone.

I have thought twice about received these roles and decided to take the challenge because I wanna grow. The roles are to be a secretary and act as a treasurer in my speech club. The challenge now is to re-count the membership due and collect the renewal membership especially those who will join the contest this Wednesday.

On the other hand, I have other music performance this month and need to practice. I also need to focus on my post-graduate program.  

Headache - because I have some responsibilities in different area.

I made some plans to finish all the task and find some difficulties. I don't plan to give up. I am planning to break the limit!

Hopefully everything's running well.

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alone and lonely.

Semakin tua dan dewasa, aku semakin menyadari betapa sulitnya menerima "it is what it is". Apalagi jika tidak sesuai dengan pemiki...