Friday, December 1, 2017

Me miss you

Since I cannot eat what normal people usually eat, my breakfast and lunch was plain porridge, slices of carrot and tempe. But I can't help. I have eaten the same menu for about a week! So I took potato from the refrigerator and fried it and mixed it with salt! HAHAHA. Some minutes later, I boiled ten fish-balls. I ate five, and mixed the five others into my porridge. (Thank God, my stomach is okay)

Today I kept asking my parent if  I can eat any kind of pork, mie bakso urat, kwetiaw, mie yamin, pangsit goreng, sushi, ramen, laksa, brownies, and my others favorite food and beverages. They told me, I just have to be patient. I only drink warm mineral water or hot sweet tea. No juice, ice cream, milk, soda (I don't really like soda so it's not really a matter). 

The best what I can do is scrolling food account in some social media. Sometime I just tell my parents the way I usually eat while I was imagine in a restaurant. It feels real. T_T

Me miss you, my favorite food :*

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alone and lonely.

Semakin tua dan dewasa, aku semakin menyadari betapa sulitnya menerima "it is what it is". Apalagi jika tidak sesuai dengan pemiki...