Kerja praktek sudah berjalan dua minggu. Selama magang banyak pengalaman-pengalaman yang 'wow' banget. Rasanya seperti melihat visualisasi apa yang selama ini sudah dipelajari. Rasanya buku-buku yang sudah dibaca termanifestasi dengan orang-orang yang datang ke sana. Terkadang di ruangan itu ikut sedih karena mendengar keluhan klien. Beruntungnya petugas-petugas di sana juga friendly Dan helpful banget.
Untuk periode 1 ini, semua keadaan sangat challenging Dan stressful. Masa-masa ini memasuki wilayah bagian baper nan sensitif. Pada awalnya sempat terpikir, kok sial banget dapet keadaan yang begini. Padahal gua bukan tipe orang yang percaya kesialan, jarang mengeluh, dengan kontrol emosi yang tinggi. Malah sekarang bener-bener powerless kemudian berakhir dengan impulsif dalam mengekspresikan perasaan- which is itu dulu salah satu hal yang sulit dilakukan. Ha-ha.
Ini toh ya yang namanya out from comfort zone. Begini toh yang namanya S2. Begini toh yang namanya dianggap dewasa. Bener-bener hampir gak ada comfortnya. Herannya dalam keadaan begini malah banyak banget yang jadi gua sadari dan pelajari. Sangat berharap Tuhan terus kasih gua kekuatan, kebijaksanaan dalam belajar untuk menolong orang lain dalam rangka merespon kasih Tuhan yang terlebih dahulu sudah Dia berikan untuk gua.
Rasanya kalau dijalani sendiri memang berat but thank God, You never leave me behind.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Anak Selatan di Skyscraperland!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Mungkin kita terlalu sibuk untuk duduk bersama
Mungkin kita terlalu sibuk untuk bercerita
Mungkin kita terlalu sibuk untuk mendengarkan
Mungkin kita terlalu sibuk untuk hadir dalam kehidupan masing masing.
Mungkin kita lupa alasan kita sibuk adalah untuk duduk bersama, bercerita, mendengarkan, dan hadir dalam kehidupan masing-masing.
Bogor, 6 Okt 2015
- Dalam kesibukan
Thursday, October 1, 2015
My hope is found
One fine evening, I was running with a friend. We decided to separate our way because we cannot make the same pace.
And when I ran, suddenly a random thought came up in my mind.
"How long, dear, how long you would like to go alone by yourself?"
As a psychology student, I tend to think self-centered, especially clinical psychology. I tend to analyze such: "What does make a person can have a specific personality...?", "What is the underlying motives of someone when he/ she doing something..?". That kind of questions I internalizing to myself. It makes me going crazy because I always end up with the way to see myself: I am not good enough to be loved, to have friends, to have family, to be success.
At the same time, my relationship with others ruin by the negative emotions I hold on so much and finally "boom!". Yes, exploded! But I really realize I am blessed surrounded with best friends who are loveable and have patients for they can understand me even when I don't.
Back to the question that cross my mind in that evening... I know I missed something on this journey. Someone reminds me that "It is good to see yourself, bad and good side, but it cannot stop there. Look beyond your self. It is God at the cross for you. So whatever you may feel about yourself, as long as you go back to God, you are loved. God already has give everything for you!"
He created me with purpose so I no longer walk alone. Not necessarily overwhelmed with my weakness. For in my weakness He will be glorified! And I realize, growth in God's grace is a process and not an event. I don't have to avoid the difficulties of life, but I can rest assured that He will use each moment to prepare me for the place He is taking me!
alone and lonely.
Semakin tua dan dewasa, aku semakin menyadari betapa sulitnya menerima "it is what it is". Apalagi jika tidak sesuai dengan pemiki...
Beberapa saat belakangan ini banyak hal yang membuatku berpikir lebih dari biasanya.. qou vadis....?
I don't know why the sky is crying all over the day... Yes, cloudy and rainy day.. There's a lil' bit sunshine and sad I do no...
It's June already. Yes, don't be surprise. We are in the middle of the year now. I am pretty excited about what will happen for I ...