Saturday, October 25, 2014

Old Friend(s)

This month, I missed the miracle of moon phenomenon but it doesn't make me sad.

I have received other miracles!

Some unexpected old friends just comeback.

It is really surprise me.

Malam ini baru saja ketemu sama Ricky "kuskus" dan Dessy.
Hari ini Dessy ulang tahun dan baru tahu kalau dia di promote jadi supervisor di kantornya. Really happy for her! Kabar Ricky, dia masih sibuk sama tokonya "Ricky Motor" di Cibinong.
Kejadian ketemuan malam ini malah tidak disengaja. Setelah Ricky kepo dengan status FB gua dan kirim langsung private message. Gua message di grup kami bertiga yang ternyata last chat-nya bulan Agustus. Artinya, hampir dua bulan udah nggak kontekan, sampai-sampai nggak tau berita Dessy sakit thypus :(

Setelah ngobrol-ngobrol, jadi mengertilah kalau pekerjaan dan masalah-masalah lainnya yang membuat kami jarang mengobrol.

Memang hubungan pertemanan itu butuh perjuangan dan pengertian.

Berjuang untuk saling menghubungi di waktu-waktu tersisa.
Mengerti ketika tidak ada waktu tersisa.

Butuh satu lagi yaitu keterbukaan untuk menyambut satu sama lain ketika sudah lama tidak bertemu.

Senang sekali rasanya bisa bertemu lagi.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sweet Brownies :3

Hoho.. It's a guilty pleasure to have holiday on Friday! Today should be statistic's day but.... it's a holiday! Hahaha..xD
So I want to make brownies :3

In the morning, after pay some bills, I tried to find a chocolate bar, cocoa, and some ingredients to make brownies.
I try to find chocolate bar and cocoa in some mini markets but it doesn't have it. I decided to go to traditional market and horey, I got it!
I wanna share it to my choir team tonight :3

"...whoever has food must share it." Luke 3: 11 (TEV) Especially chocolate :9

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kaca Mata Kuda

"Lu mikirin apa?" katanya sambil lirik kaca spion dalam mobil.
"Mikir gemana gua bisa selesain kuliah ini dengan baik." jawab gua sedikit bohong.
"Tapi kerutan di kening lu gak mengatakan itu." dia sadar masih ada yang gua sembunyiin.
"Lagi mikir prioritas aja. Kayaknya banyak hal yang mesti gua ubah... bla.. bla.. bla.." akhirnya jujur ngasih tau arti kerutan gua.

In this last 4,4 years I've spent my Saturday with teaching. I love teaching. I love my kids.
I sacrifice my weekend that I could spent with my friends. I sacrifice my social life.
I don't regret anything, I got worth return - improve my personality, teaching skill, financial independence on College. But now, I would like to say it's enough. 

My friend said, "Really? You don't have any passion in teaching."
"I just want to make my life balance! I lost about 212 Saturdays" replied me.
"I've spent this last 2 years in the forest without weekend." argued him.
"We can't compare your life with mine. It's not apple to apple." 

Yes. I can't compare my life with him. I'm sure, the one that I need for my new life routine is rest, reading more books, and improve my social life.
So I decided this November will be the last month I teach on my current music school.

Itulah salah satu arti kerutan di kening gua malam itu meskipun sebenarnya masih banyak hal lagi.

I think about my dreams which fly away and I almost forget.
On my way to reach my dreams I met some supporters that return into distractions.

Kayaknya kalau ada kaca mata kuda sepertinya bagus juga supaya bisa fokus liat ke depan.
Kaca mata kuda bagus juga sih tapi gak efektif.
Kalau gua jadi kuda, gua akan milih yang duduk di atas gua yang mengendalikan gua.

It means I prefer God control me than that kacamata kuda.
Ibarat kuda, sekarang ini lagi banyak banget cambukkan yang gua terima supaya gak belok ke sana ke mari enggak karuan.
Mungkin, keputusan inipun salah satu cambukkan untuk ngasih petunjuk, sudah saatnya pindah arah.
Cambukkan yang ini enggak terlalu sakit. Cuman akan berpengaruh sama my financial condition karena kalau untuk improving skill ngajar masih bisa diterapkan di Sekolah Minggu.

Kalau cambukkan yang lain, sakit sih. Sakit banget malahan.

'Kudanya' cuma berharap kalau Yang Tunganggin Kudanya  kasih 'makanan' yang bisa bikin kuat dan 'istirahat' sampai kudanya tiba ke tempat tujuan Tuannya.

*kedippin mata sama Babeh di Atas* ;-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Earth: Hi Moon!!

The only one that cheer my night is the Moon and the Sky that I see every night. The good news is.... There will be so much miracle of Sky on this October as I read on Miracle! <3.

It'll be 5 phenomenons, such as:
1. A total Lunar Eclipse
on Oct 8, 2014
Start at 3.14 - 8.25 GMT+7

2. Uranus!
We can see Uranus!! Yeayyy!!
on Oct 7-8, 2014

3. Meteor Showers of Orionids and Draconids
Orionids: Oct 8-9, 2014
Draconids: Oct 21-22, 2014
The source said the showers of Orionids will be not really clear because moon's light.
For Draconids it will be amazing! Especially on dawn. It will be showers each hours!

4. Meteor Storm in Mars
It will be on 20 Oct 2014. We can't see it directly but the spacecraft can! So we can see it later!

5. Mini Moon
It will be on 20 Oct, 214.

See you, Moon and all your miracle!

alone and lonely.

Semakin tua dan dewasa, aku semakin menyadari betapa sulitnya menerima "it is what it is". Apalagi jika tidak sesuai dengan pemiki...