Friday, May 31, 2013
Birthday picture!! \(^o^)/
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
What people try to find in this heartless world?
People are trying to get happiness in their own way..
Siapa yang tidak pernah merasakan kebahagiaan?
Siapa yang tidak pernah merasakan kesedihan?
Siapa yang tidak pernah merasakan perasaan kontradiksi disaat yang sama!?
You smile on your face but cried inside!
You say good things but curse in your heart.
You say happy but actually lonely on your life!
How come people can get lonely when they are not alone?
How come they smile above someone crying?
Let me know the reasons of feeling happy because of someone's sorrow??
I think there's no any good on them.
Is bad things are their truly happiness?
What kind of people here..?!
What a heartless world we live..
How miserable the meaning of happiness on their life..
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
What so special about birthday?
For me, birthday is so special but it doesn't mean it is have to big party to celebrate.
In your birthday, you will remember that you were born years ago.
Most of our family will be happy when a baby born.
Even if someone didn't like u born, believe, your creator - God - was smiling as of your first heart beat. :)
A day before my birthday on this year, my parents and my siblings also gathering together at home.
Yes, I am so thankful for this family. That's why I call it 'home'. We pray each other there. My parents ask me what I want for this birthday..
I am not a kid anymore who ask new thing on her/his birthday so that I told them I want they always be healthy and keep love other like they have done. We sang some songs and shared thought as well.
In the office, all the employees said "happy birthday" for me. Also my boss gave a lovely jacket as a present for me. And the big boss said a happy birthday :).
After office hours, two of my best friends gave me a call and invited me to had dinner together.
So then I went to Grand Indonesia and decided to dinner in Sushi Tei.
They gave me a birthday cupcake. The restaurant gave me free sushi :).
The next day, my dorm mates just relize that they passed my birthday.. That was okay. And I gave them two pizzas. I was so happy look they happy :).
In Saturday, after I finish teaching I went home directly because I was under the weather ( when I was lying in the sofa to have some rest, so surprise that Ester, Winna, and my brother came bring a birthday cake!!
On Sunday, my mom took me to mall and bought some shoes and things for me as presents. My big boss' birthday is in Sunday so he want to treat us in Monday at the office.
On Monday, after management meeting, the boss asked all the employee to have lunch together. He asked me and other employees who birthday on May joined him to celebrate.
I will share some of the pictures on the next post.
I am so grateful to have you all in my life.
Thank God.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Keep your mouth
Actually it doesn't matter if you are vey curious. That is good in so many aspects of life. One thing you should note is with whom you are ask and speak.
If you just know someone for one or two days I suggest you to not have too much conversation about personal things.
Your attitide is your everything!
You better not speak about others, comment to much, and complain to the wrong place.
Make sure you do not do your none of your bussiness. :)
Before you speak, think!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Hi all. How are you?
Hope you are all have a nice day everyday.
I just want to share a part of my life story nowadays.
I feel really great because my effort has a great result :)
so happy!
one of my collegues finally can come to Indonesia from London.
When I heard "LONDON" I can think so many things like my teacher when I studied in The British Institute. My friend who go there to study. Manchester United, and SHERLOCK HOLMES.. Oya, Prince Harry, Prince William, are the good part also. London bridge, Bigband.
Everything is cool in United Kingdom!!
when I was child untill now I still want and believe, one day I will stay there.. It doesnt matter I work there or just holiday.. One day, my feet will be in England's ground.
alone and lonely.
Semakin tua dan dewasa, aku semakin menyadari betapa sulitnya menerima "it is what it is". Apalagi jika tidak sesuai dengan pemiki...
Beberapa saat belakangan ini banyak hal yang membuatku berpikir lebih dari biasanya.. qou vadis....?
I don't know why the sky is crying all over the day... Yes, cloudy and rainy day.. There's a lil' bit sunshine and sad I do no...
It's June already. Yes, don't be surprise. We are in the middle of the year now. I am pretty excited about what will happen for I ...